Hi There,
Today, I was browsing for the latest laptop deals and would like to share a cautionary note about what might seem like a great find.
First, I searched Amazon for the latest laptop deals and found the following Asus laptop:
ASUS Vivobook 16" Ryzen 9 Business Laptop, Ryzen 9 7940HS (Beats i9-12900H)
The deal claimed that it offered 40 GB of RAM for the price of 16 GB. The model was listed as M1605X. Knowing that Asus also has an online store, I checked there as well:
ASUS Vivobook 16 Laptop (M1605) - Priced from $499 on asus.com, which appears to be more than $300 cheaper.
On the main page, it was indicated that the display is OLED with a resolution of 3200x2000. OLED displays are top-notch during this period (0.2 ms response time, 3.2K resolution @ 16").
It seemed too good to be true, so I followed the buy button.
On the redirected page, two models were listed, but neither featured an OLED display with a 3200x2000 resolution.
If you’re not careful, you could end up buying an Asus M1605 with a 1900x1200 resolution while thinking that the offer was for a 3200x2000 model from the previous page.
This could have been a mistake, but it underscores why rechecking the specifications before making a purchase is crucial.